Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

An Emperical Study on Customer Attitude Towards Bancassurance Indian Perspective

Dr. D. Rajasekar, T. Hymavathi Kumari

Abstract :

The study in conducted to assess the awareness of life insurance about the customer preference especially in bancassurance. The reason for this study is to know the customer preference for buying the life insurance products through bank channels. The success of an organization depends upon the ability of its customers, it is said that a happy customer is a back bone of the sales. This study was conducted to know the satisfaction level of the customers. It helps to identify the awareness of customers on bancassurance and quality of the product delivery. As such it is now proposed to enquire into the levels of customer satisfaction in terms of (insurance) product, price, quality and awareness on Bancassurance and how far it is reached the objective of a country’s development.

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Dr.D.Rajasekar, T.Hymavathi Kumari /An Emperical Study on Customer Attitude Towards Bancassurance Indian Perspective /International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue. 5, May 2014

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