Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

An Analysis on Financial Health of Nse Listed Steel Industries

K. S. Kavitha, Dr. P. Palanivelu

Abstract :

The Iron and Steel industry in India is one of the most essential industries in the country, which propels the industrial development of the nation. 7 NSE listed companies have been selected for this study. The Objectives of the Studies are to know about the financial health of the steel industries. To analyze and compare the financial performances of NSE listed steel industries based on ratio analysis and Z–Score (Altman/s model). This article finds financial health of steel industries in India.

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K.S.Kavitha, Dr.P.Palanivelu An Analysis on Financial Health of Nse Listed Steel Industries International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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