Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

An analysis of Zucker–Hammett & Hammett acidity function parameters of oxidation of some amino acids by V(V)

A. K. Mishra, S. D. Sharma

Abstract :

The oxidation of amino acids viz; L-aspartic acid, L-cysteine, L-valine & L-leucine by V(V) have been found to be acid catalyzed. Zucker -Hammett data for the oxidation of these amino acids have been calculated at different concentrations of acid. Zucker-Hammett plots between log K1 & log CH+, and Hammett acidity function plots between log K1 & H0 have been determined. The observations indicate dependence of rate on Hammett acidity function H0. Zucker -Hammett data indicate participation of water molecule in the course of reactions & bimolecular nature of the reactions.

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A. K. Mishra, S. D. Sharma An analysis of Zucker-Hammett & Hammett acidity function parameters of oxidation of some amino acids by V(V) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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