Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

An Analysis of Reasons of Non– adoption of Selecting different crop production practices by potato growers in Sub–Tropics of Jammu Division

Quadri Javeed, S. K. Kher, Nafees Ahmad, M. H Chesti, J S Manhas, Satesh K, Bhavana G

Abstract :

Potato is widely grown at large scale and ranks fourth in food production following wheat, rice and maize. Potato crop have a great potential to meet the increasing food requirement. Potato continues to be among the most preferred and accessible food product especially for the poor. The present study was undertaken in purposively selected sub-divisions of Marh, R.S. Pura, Dayalachak and Samba of Jammu, Kathua and Samba districts of Jammu division. These are the main potato growing districts in Jammu division. Fifteen villages were selected from the selected sub-divisions by proportionate allocation method based on the maximum area under potato crop. A sample of 225 potato growers was selected randomly from 15 villages and from each village, 15 potato growers were selected randomly. The present study revealed that majority of the respondents (76.51%) did not follow interval of hoeing for manual weed control because of financial problems. In case of chemicals that majority of the respondents (76.03%) had applied chemicals on the advice of neighbor and 72.95 per cent of respondents reported that recommended varieties of potato requires more seed rate whereas, (47.88 %) reported that high cost as a reason for not using plant protection measures.

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Quadri Javeed, S.K.Kher, Nafees Ahmad, M.H Chesti, J S Manhas, Satesh K, Bhavana G An Analysis of Reasons of Non- adoption of Selecting different crop production practices by potato growers in Sub-Tropics of Jammu Division International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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