Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

An Adaptive Approach for VM Placement using Power and Migration Time at Cloud Data Center

Dimple Maheshwari, Purnima Gandhi

Abstract :

Cloud computing is a recent innovation, which provides various services on a usage based payment model. The rapid expansion in data centers has triggered the dramatic increase in energy used, operational cost and its effect on the environment in terms of carbon footprints. Virtualization is a promising approach to reduce this power consumption by consolidating multiple virtual servers onto a smaller number of computing resources. In this paper an efficient resource management policy for virtualized Cloud data centers is proposed. Power consumption by data–centers can be reduced by leveraging live migration of VMs and switch off idle nodes. Again dynamic reallocation incurs network propagation delay that can affect the operation cost. The objective is to optimize the power consumption as well as network delay.

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Dimple Maheshwari, Purnima Gandhi An Adaptive Approach for VM Placement using Power and Migration Time at Cloud Data Center International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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