Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012


Manisha Gaur

Abstract :

Amla is a medium sized tree. Leaves small looking like tamarindus leaves, Flowers unisexual creamish yellow & small, fruits: fleshy globose. It is Sour, Astringent, Sweet in taste. Amla is used in haemorrhage, Diabetes, Polyuria, Headache, Hysteria, Jaundice, Eczema, Dissuria, Piles, Diarrhoea, cold, Menorrhagia, Scurvy dyspepsia, flatulence, menorrhagia. The fruits of Emblica officinalis are rich in tannins. The fruits have 28% of the total tannins distributed in the whole plant. It acts like an anti-determatoses and anti-pyretic.it is healty for heart and is a blood purifier. Amla is used in eye disorder / constipation, fever ,liver infection. In this article traditional and medical uses of Amla are discussed.

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Manisha Gaur AMLA - ITS MEDICINAL USES International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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