Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Alternative Therapies for Diabetes Mellitus: From Gene Therapy to Epigenetic and Microrna Based Therapies

Gedda Mallikarjuna Rao, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Vibha Pandey, Tribhuban Mohan Mohapatra, Royana Singh

Abstract :

Several metabolic disorders and their associated complications including diabetes are mainly associated with the chronic low grade inflammation and enhanced oxidative/nitrosative stress. Reduction or correction of the enhanced glucose levels will help in the decreased diabetes associated co–morbidities. Several drug commodities, today used got several side effects leading to severe conditions. Hence present researchers are mainly focusing on other alternate therapies that can subside this metabolic disorder, that can naturally secrete insulin endogenous or enhance insulin sensitivity. Present review will give a ief picture about several alternative therapies that include; Stem cell therapy, Gene therapy, Nanoparticle (NPs) based therapies, Epigenetics and micro RNA (miRNAs) based therapies. Summary Several metabolic disorders and their associated complications including diabetes are mainly associated with the chronic low grade inflammation and enhanced oxidative/nitrosative stress. Hence reduction or correction of the enhanced glucose levels will help in the decreased diabetes associated co–morbidities.  Insulin being a glucose regulator, any alternative therapies that can naturally secrete insulin endogenous or enhance insulin sensitivity will be of great use for the effected. Hence these approaches can hold a great role in mitigating diabetes and its associated complications.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Gedda Mallikarjuna Rao, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Vibha Pandey, Tribhuban Mohan Mohapatra, Royana Singh /Alternative Therapies for Diabetes Mellitus: From Gene Therapy to Epigenetic and Microrna Based Therapies/International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue. 5, May 2014

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