Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Alkaline Phosphatase as a Marker For The Calcification of Coronary Arteries.

Dr. Dipika Sathvara, Dr. Himanshu Patel, Dr. Chandan Chakrabarti

Abstract :

Alkaline phosphatase primarily used as a marker for bone calcification. The serum alkaline phosphatase level has shown to be prognostic factor in myocardial infarction and peripheral vascular disease by its promoting effect on vascular calcification. Considering this vascular calcification contributes to atherosclerosis, vascular hardening and ageing. Serum alkaline phosphatase level may also be linked with poor vascular fate in overall patients with CAD (Coronary artery disease) as well as MI (myocardial infarction) survivors. It was a cross–sectional study. The patients who have disease of coronary vessels admitted for bypass surgery were taken as study cases (n=50) and healthy persons were taken as control (n=50). Both groups are age and sex matched. Serum alkaline phosphatase estimation was done by kinetic method by PNP (p–nitro phenyl phosphate) readymade kit in architect c–8000 ( fully automated closed system instrument). Data were presented as mean± SD. P–value (

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Dr.Dipika Sathvara,Dr.Himanshu Patel, Dr.Chandan Chakrabarti Alkaline Phosphatase as a Marker For The Calcification af Coronary Arteries. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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