Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

Albumin a utilitarian marker in acute febrile illness

Dr Gian Chand, Dr Ajay Chhabra, Dr Pritam Singh Sandhu

Abstract :

 Background: Acute illness has profound effect on the body milieu. Of interest is the serum albumin level which gets affected in severe illness and in turn may affect the disease outcome. Objectives: To assess the correlation of serum albumin with severity of acute feile illness and with other markers of disease severity like hypotension, acute kidney injury, need for ventilation, live function tests and haematological parameters and finally with disease outcome. Materials and methodology: The present study was conducted on 100 patients of acute feile illness of more than seven days duration regardless of aetiology admitted at Government Medical College, Amritsar. Serum albumin levels and other markers of organ failure like hypotension, kidney failure, need for ventilatory support, deranged liver function tests, thrombocytopenia, leucocytosis, ESR, duration of hospital stay and overall mortality were recorded and their correlation was analysed statistically. Summary and conclusion: Mean serum albumin was low in severely ill patients at presentation (<3.5g/dl) which improved with recovery of the patient indicating that hypoalbuminemia was the result of the illness. Albumin levels showed statistically significant correlation with hypotension, acute kidney dysfunction and the requirement of ventilator support. It failed to show significant association with the presence of thrombocytopenia, length of hospital stay and mortality

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Dr Gian Chand, Dr Ajay Chhabra, Dr Pritam Singh Sandhu Albumin a utilitarian marker in acute febrile illness International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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