Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Agents of Commerce in Pre–Colonial Canara

Shilpi Shrivastava, Dr. Choodamani Nandagopal

Abstract :

 The Western coast of India had very early trans–oceanic trade even before the second millennium BC. From archeological points, there are several indications about the antiquity of the trade between India and Egypt for numerous products but there is dearth of evidence and proof that exchange were taken place through the ports of West coast. British named the region Canara which was mainly comprised of maritime countries of Tuluva, Haiga and Hindu Konkan and also neighboring areas of Malabar. Written sources concerning the maritime history of the Canara for this period are rare but several Greek and Roman writers have referred quite a few ports of West coast of India which have suggested vital trading links with the Mediterranean countries.

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Shilpi Shrivastava, Dr. Choodamani Nandagopal “Agents of Commerce in Pre-Colonial Canara” International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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