Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Afforestation with multi utility plants – A new strategy for Conservation of Biodiversity

Dr. Jyoti S Kawalekar

Abstract :

The earth holds a vast diversity of living organisms, which includes different kinds of plants, animals, insects, and microorganisms. The earth also holds an immense variety of habitats and ecosystems. The total diversity and variability of living things and of the system of which they are a part is generally defined as biological diversity, i.e. the total variability of life on earth. In other words it also refers to the totality of genes, species and ecosystems in a region. Biodiversity includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. Biodiversity is essential for maintaining the ecological functions, including stabilizing of the water cycle, maintenance and replenishment of soil fertility, pollination and cross-fertilization of crops and other vegetation, protection against soil erosion and stability of food producing and other ecosystems. Conservation of biological diversity leads to conservation of essential ecological diversity to preserve the continuity of food chains. Biodiversity provides the base for the livelihoods, cultures and economies of several hundred millions of people, including farmers, fisher folk, and forest dwellers. It provides raw material for a diverse medicinal and health care systems. It also provides the genetic base for the continuous up-gradation of agriculture, fisheries, and for critical discoveries in scientific, industrial and other sectors. Biodiversity represents the very foundation of human existence. The rapid erosion of biodiversity in the last few decades has impacted on the health of the land, water bodies and people. Biodiversity is a wealth to which no value can be put. In the final analysis, the very survival of the human race is dependent on conservation of biodiversity. It is evident that this invaluable heritage is being destroyed at an alarming rate due to several reasons. Besides the profound ethical and aesthetic implications, it is clear that the loss of biodiversity has serious economic and social costs. Conserving biodiversity is not an issue confined to any one country or community. It is a crucial global concern. We may appreciate the fact that the most effective and efficient mechanism for conserving biodiversity is to prevent further destruction or degradation of habitats by us. We require more knowledge to conserve biodiversity in reduced space and under increased pressure of human activities. Thus this paper deals with conservation of biodiversity by using a new strategy that is by using multiutility plants for afforestation. It is felt that by growing such plants it will ing rural prosperity besides promoting Afforestation.

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Dr. Jyoti S Kawalekar Afforestation with multi utility plants – A new strategy for Conservation of Biodiversity International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2014

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