Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

Advantage Of Image Management

Mr. P. B Reddy, Mr . M Venkata Krishna Reddy, Dr Morusu Siva Sankar

Abstract :

This article presented only research purpose. Managing one’s image is the key to success in any walk of life. It is easy to confuse image management with a makeover, or attending a motivational or grooming workshop or getting a new hairstyle or buying new clothes. Image Management is much more than that and it involves ongoing evaluation and better utilization of personal resources. Drawing a direct comparison between managing a business and managing your image, in a business, there are various roles, played by different people, and they have certain resources at their disposal - people, marketing tools, IT, finances - which they are expected to make optimum use of in order to achieve the goals in their respected roles.Unlike in a business, where different people have different roles, when it comes to your image, it’s just one person, that is, YOU.

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Mr. P.B REDDY, Mr .M VENKATA KRISHNA REDDY, Dr MORUSU SIVA SANKAR Advantage Of Image Management International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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