Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Adolescents Awareness Towards Contraceptives

Anjna Nema

Abstract :

Girls are the core of human dynamics only healthy female can make socio–economic upliftment of the country. Adolescent girls are in reproductive age and are future mothers, their awareness towards family welfare programme is significant. Therefore it is necessary to have health concern information for the understanding of dimensions and magnitude of awareness towards contraceptives among reproductive age group. A sample of 341 randomly selected adolescent girls of Sagar city, Madhya Pradesh, were surveyed..95.3 percent girls have heard about contraceptives.,77.7 percent girls are aware of female contraceptive device. 75.6 percent girls agreed that purpose of using contraceptives is to delay first conception.  

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Anjna Nema Adolescent�s Awareness Towards Contraceptives International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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