Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Adiponectin receptor gene polymorphism in insulin Resistance, Metabolic syndrome and Male factor infertility.

Sonam Bhatia, Lal Chandra, Alpana Saxena, Dr. Ramchandra Murti Kaza, Amit Madaan

Abstract :

 Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetSyn) is a cluster of metabolic abnormalities –high blood pressure, high serum triglyceride, low serum high–density lipoprotein cholesterol & abnormal fasting plasma glucose levels. Male factor infertility represents perturbation in male patients with MetSyn. Adiponectin is a hormone, is a potential indicator of metabolic complications. This study evaluates MetSyn and insulin resistance to establish a paradigm with Genetic variation in adiponectin gene receptor (ADIPOR1 and ADIPOR2) polymorphism in male factor infertility. Objective: 1.To estimate insulin resistance in male factor infertility. 2. To correlate metabolic syndrome with male factor infertility. 3. To find out the status of adiponectin gene receptor polymorphism in male factor infertility. Methods: Total 52 cases and 54 controls fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria were included with their informed consent. The blood samples were collected for estimation of triglycerides, HDL–C, fasting plasma glucose & adiponectin receptor gene polymorphism. Triglycerides, HDL–C, fasting plasma glucose estimation were done by Clinical Chemistry Analyzer. Serum Insulin was measured by Electro–chemiluminisence. Adiponectin gene receptor polymorphism by ASO–PCR. Results: In present study occurrence of MetSyn following IDF criteria in Male factor Infertility was found to be more than controls. There were significant differences between all the parameters of metabolic syndrome in cases and controls except HDL–C and systolic blood pressure. +219 (A/T) is a polymorphism in adiponectin receptor gene polymorphism in intron 2 which had been associated with T2DM.We found+ 219 (A/T) polymorphism with male factor infertility. The Odd’s ratio in AA/AT and AA/TT genotype was found to be significant in male infertile patients. However, relationship between +219(A/T) polymorphism and metabolic syndrome was also found to be significant. Conclusion: Occurrence of metabolic syndrome and its components to be higher in such patients compared to population of controls. And single nucleotide polymorphism +219 A/T adiponectin gene receptor is positively related to male factor infertility

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Sonam Bhatia, Lal Chandra, Alpana Saxena, Dr. Ramchandra Murti Kaza, Amit Madaan Adiponectin receptor gene polymorphism in insulin Resistance, Metabolic syndrome and Male factor infertility. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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