Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

Adequacy of Fiber Intake of Students of Nutrition Aged Between 18 to 23 years

Dr. Nora Vigasini

Abstract :

Fiber, while not an essential nutrient, performs several vital functions. Fiber, maintains digestive health and regularity, enhances satiety, reduces the risk of bowel cancer, lowers blood cholesterol, controls blood sugar levels and prevents disorders associated with a low fiber diet. The present investigation was undertaken to analyze the food consumption pattern and the dietary fiber intake of students of Nutrition, aged between 18 to 23 years, in Chennai on a working day using the 24-hour dietary recall method. Students of Nutrition were selected for this study to find out if they implemented their nutritional knowledge in their own food choices. The major findings of the study were 1. The fat intake was significantly higher, whereas, the carbohydrate, iron and fiber intake were very less when compared to RDA. 2. Skipping eakfast was common among the study group. 3. The fruit and vegetable consumption was very less than the recommended amounts. Though the participants in the study had nutrition knowledge and were also aware of the benefits of dietary fiber, it was clear from their diet pattern that they seldom put it into practice.

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Dr. Nora Vigasini Adequacy of Fiber Intake of Students of Nutrition Aged Between 18 to 23 years International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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