Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2019


Dr Sonal Lahoti, Dr Jawed Mohammad Iqbal, Dr Nivedita, Dr Devika, Dr A. K Sharma, Dr Nimmi Singh, Dr Naveen Mishra

Abstract :

AOT is a benign epithelial odontogenic tumor of jaw bone. It constitutes about 2.2 – 7.1% of the odontogenic tumors. Clinically and radiographically AOT should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of lesions in Anterior maxilla. Histopathology remains the gold standard in diagnosing these lesions. Enucleation and curettage is the most common treatment modality. We present case report of an Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor in a 13 year old female patient .

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ADENOMATOID ODONTOGENIC TUMOR‾A CASE REPORT, Dr Sonal Lahoti, Dr Jawed Mohammad Iqbal, Dr Nivedita, Dr Devika, Dr A. K Sharma, Dr Nimmi Singh, Dr Naveen Mishra INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2019

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