Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Acute Effects of Caffeine Ingestion on Blood Pressure in Healthy Normal Volunteers

Dr. Himani D. Kodape, Dr. Pushpa A. Pazare

Abstract :

Introduction: Caffeine has direct stimulant effects on cardiovascular system at therapeutic doses. The ability of caffeine to increase vascular resistance is fraught with the development of hypertension. Hence, this study was conducted to confirm the acute effects of caffeine consumption on arterial blood pressure in healthy normal volunteers. Methods: Blood Pressure (BP) was recorded before, immediately and 45–60 minutes after the administration of 250 mgs of caffeine and 100ml of grape juice in 80 healthy normal male volunteers randomized into two equal groups. Mean and Standard Deviation (SD) of Systolic BP (SBP), Diastolic BP (DBP), Pulse Pressure (PP) and Mean Arterial BP (MAP) in the study groups were statistically analyzed using Student’s t test with level of significance defined at p value < 0.05. Results: There was a statistically significant increase in SBP, DBP, MAP but not PP observed immediately after consumption in the caffeine group compared to the grape juice group. However, the increase in BP was transient and there was no statistically significant difference observed between the basal measurements and measurements after 45–60 minute in the caffeine group. Conclusion: Experimental administration of caffeine in amounts comparable to those consumed in day to day life is followed by an acute and short lasting elevation in BP. Role of daily use of caffeine in the development of hemodynamic intolerance and hypertension needs to be evaluated in long term experimental studies in future.

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Dr. Himani D. Kodape, Dr. Pushpa A. Pazare Acute Effects of Caffeine Ingestion on Blood Pressure in Healthy Normal Volunteers International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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