Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Academic performance and nursing aptitude: A correlation

Mrs. Maxie Andrade, Dr. Shreemathi Mayya, Dr. Anice George

Abstract :

 A tool on Aptitude Towards Nursing (NAT) was developed by the researcher based on focus group discussions, and review of literature. Tool was validated by seven experts in the areas of Medical Education, Nursing  and Clinical psychology. and suggestions were incorporated. 180 MCQ item NAT was condensed to 87 items based on the findings of  item analysis. The internal consistency reliability (α) of the scale was 0.877 (n=894) and the test retest reliability was 0.814. Pilot  study among 47 first year B. Sc. Nursing students revealed NAT was a predictor of academic success.   

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Mrs. Maxie Andrade, Dr. Shreemathi Mayya, Dr. Anice George Academic performance and nursing aptitude: A correlation International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 5 MAY 2014

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