Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Academic Enablers crucial to Academic Success of the students ..An empirical study

Amirtha Mary. T, Dr. J. Florence Shalini

Abstract :

Academic success owes every child a promising future which is determined by academic skills and non–academic skills. Academic skills are the basic and cognitive skills (reading, writing, mathematics, critical thinking etc.) and non academic skills are the academic enablers. Academic Enablers consists of a oad non–academic skill set which help the students to actively involve in and benefit from classroom thus leading to academic achievement of the students. Some of the enablers include social skills, study skills, motivation and engagement. These enabling factors play an equally important role in the academic success of the students. In this study, the researcher with the help of case studies tries to highlights the various non–academic skills possessed by the students. Descriptive analyses with the help of figures are used to analyse the data. It is apparent that students devoid of these academic enablers find it difficult to relate with the class room instruction and other academic activities.

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Amirtha Mary.T, Dr.J.Florence Shalini Academic Enablers crucial to Academic Success of the students..An empirical study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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