Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Academic Achievement and Achievement Motivation as correlates of Academic Stress among Secondary School Students

Kuljinder Kaur, Pawandeep Kaur

Abstract :

 Academic Stress –– a mental distress product of a combination of academic related demand that exceed the adaptive resources available to students – among secondary school students has been studied in relation to academic achievement and achievement motivation. ?e present study comprised of a sample of 300 secondary school students of government model schools of Patiala and two tools used to collect the data –– Bisht Battery of Stress Scales by Bisht, Deo–Mohan Scale of Achievement Motivation. Academic achievement of students was noted down from the school records. ?e purpose of the was to identification of highly stressed and low stressed students of secondary school as well as the study strives to compare the relationship between academic stress with academic achievement and achievement motivation. ?e results of the study revealed that out of 300 secondary school students 26 percent of students have high level of academic stress, 25 percent of students have low level of academic stress and 49 percent of students fall on an average level of academic stress. Academic stress is negatively related with academic achievement and achievement motivation among secondary school students.

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Kuljinder Kaur, Pawandeep Kaur, Academic Achievement and Achievement Motivation as correlates of Academic Stress among Secondary School Students, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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