Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016


Vijaya Subramaniyan, Umarani Pachamuthu, Mohana Dhanapal

Abstract :

 Placental auption is an obstetric complication that poses severe hazard to the pregnant woman and fetus. Obstetrical Hemorrhage accounts for 1/3 of maternal death. With improvement in medical facilities, ambulance service, availability of blood & blood products and liberalization of caesarian section, the maternal mortality and morbidity is gradually decreasing. MATERIALS AND METHODS We conducted retrospective analysis of case sheets of auption placenta from January 2015 to December 2015 in our hospital ISO /GOVT KGH CHENNAI. We took detailed history including age, parity, gestational age,whether labour natural or LSCS, association with pih and comnplications. All data were collected on structural data form and analysed for statistics. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS The incidence of Auptio–placenta was 0.4%. Majority were between 21–30 years(75%). Majority were multiparas. 6.2% patients had chronic hypertension. 68.8% had sevsre pre–eclampsia. Low birth weight incidence was 59.3%. Perinatal loss was 49.2%. Maternal mortality was 1%. PPH occurred in 36% of cases. ARF and DIC occurred in 0.02% and 0.08% respectively. CONCLUSION Auptio placentae was associated with poor maternal and fetal outcomes. Early diagnosis and treatment of pre eclampsia would prevent auption and related complications

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Vijaya Subramaniyan, Umarani Pachamuthu, Mohana Dhanapal ABRUPTIOPLACENTAE: A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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