Volume : II, Issue : VII, July - 2013

ABI (Ankle Brachial Index) – An Important Tool In Assessment Of PVD In DM Type 2 And Its Correlation With Lower–Limb Arterial Doppler

Borse R T, Deshpande M R, D B Kadam

Abstract :

PVD has been an important, disabling macrovascular complication of Type2 Diabetes. Study was aimed to study usefulness of ABI as predictor of severity of PVD & its correlation with lower limb Doppler to ascertain the utility of the former as a screening tool for defining PVD and judging its severity. It was observed that ABI had negative correlation with age, HbA1c levels, LDL levels, Sr. creatinine and Systolic BP. The correlation was strongest for the Age (-0.512); diabetes duration (-0.512), creatinine (-0.433), Systolic BP (-0.386) and HbA1c (-0.350). When correlated with Doppler; ABI was having significant association with severity in Doppler proven blockade and it retained its significant association with Doppler finding in all arterial segments (P<0.003) irrespective of age, sex or associated comorbidities.

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Borse R T, Deshpande M R, D B Kadam ABI (Ankle Brachial Index) - An Important Tool In Assessment Of PVD In DM Type 2 And Its Correlation With Lower-Limb Arterial Doppler International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 7 July 2013

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