Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

A VLSI Implementation of Word Memories, by Using BIST&BIRA

Reshmi. R. Das

Abstract :

This paper describes the technology of BIST, which is implemented in 3 different circuits. Technologies are changing day by day. All the functions are implemented in a single chip. As the size reduces by increasing the number of functions testing becomes more and more complicated. One of the promising solution to this is Built In Self Test (BIST).Here a VLSI implementation of built in repair analyzer (BIRA) to word oriented memories is done as a first phase. This is done in both 32 &64 bits. Both BIST and (BISR) Built in Self Repair is implemented in it. It does not need automatic test equipments (ATE).With the trend of SOC technology; good embedded memories are needed i.e. with high density and high capacity for successful implementation of system products. This paper is implemented in VHDL HDL.Simulation and synthesis is done using Modelsim&XilinxISE8.1 tools

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Reshmi.R.Das A VLSI Implementation of Word Memories, by Using BIST&BIRA International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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