Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018


Dr Souryakant Varandani, Dr Ragini Garg, Dr Prabha Gupta, Dr P K Chhawania, Dr Rashi Kochar

Abstract :

 Introduction Mostly ocular morbidity originates in childhood and if gone undetected, may result in severe ocular disabilities. Children in the

school–going age group (6–16 years) represent 25% of the population in the developing countries and schools are best platform to assess their
various health concern Objective To determine the causes and prevalence pattern of ocular morbidity among primary school children aged
between 7 to 14 years.
Material and method A cross–sectional study, carried out in the government schools in the rural area of Gwalior division after seeking permission
from principal and parents for ocular examination of children which included visual acuity, torch light, fundus examination
Results The prevalence of ocular morbidity is 11.2% of which refractive error constitute about 5.61% followed by vitamin A deficiency 1.8%.
There is significant correlation between parent’s education status and ocular morbidity.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Souryakant Varandani, Dr Ragini Garg, Dr Prabha Gupta, Dr P K Chhawania, Dr Rashi Kochar, A SURVEY OF OCULAR MORBIDITY IN SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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