Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015

A study to understand the relationship between Student Learning Approaches and Student Learning Outcomes among MBA Students of Gujarat.

Prof. Jatin Christie

Abstract :

 Teaching and learning and learning outcomes are many times treated in silos. It is important to understand various learning approaches and how are they related to their subsequent learning outcomes. In the field of higher education wherein the students are mature and thinking individuals do they have any control over their learning outcomes by changing or controlling their learning approaches? This paper tries to explore relationship between student learning approaches and the resultant learning outcomes with reference to MBA students of Gujarat using John Biggs model of teaching & learning approaches and learning outcomes. The empirical paper is based on a detailed research done on students from 14 MBA institutes of Gujarat. This empirical paper throws light on how student learning approaches are related to student learning outcomes.

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Prof. Jatin Christie A Study to Understand the Relationship between Student Learning Approaches and Student Learning Outcomes Among MBA Students of Gujarat. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 7 July 2015

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