Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

A study to evaluate the knowledge and utilization of supplementary feeding among mothers with under five children in selected ICDS centres at puducherry, India.

Geetha. C

Abstract :

 The current study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and utilization of the supplementary feeding among mothers with under five children in selected ICDS centre at Puducherry. Objectives: To find out the level of knowledge and utilization on supplementary feeding among mothers with under five children. To find out the association between the knowledge and utilization of supplementary feeding with selected demographic variables. Materials and methods: Settings: ICDS centre – Rural area. Sample & size: mothers of under five children, 30 Nos. Research approach , Design: Quantitative, Non experimental –Descriptive. Techniques : Non probability convenient sampling.Tools : Structured interview schedule. Results: Level of knowledge and utilization of supplementary feeding shows, 16 (30%) of the subject have adequate knowledge and utilization of supplementary 14 ( 46.6%) moderately adequate knowledge and utilization of supplementary feeding, 1 (3.3%) fall in inadequate category.

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Geetha. C A Study to Evaluate the Knowledge and Utilization of Supplementary Feeding Among Mothers With Under Five Children in Selected Icds Centres at Puducherry, India. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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