Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

A Study to Determine the Rate of Attrition of Nurses in a Corporate Hospital

Immanuel Paul Vinod. S

Abstract :

Background: The Health care sector, especially the hospital industry is growing at a rapid pace in this century. One of the main challenges faced and poised as a threat to the hospital is the attrition rate of nurses.Hospitals are plagued by a nursing shortage of epidemic proportions, may be focusing too much on recruitment and not enough on retention - a lapse that has contributed to disturbing rates of attrition. This study analyses the reasons for nursing attrition. Method and methodology:all nurses who has resigned, in the financial year of the hospital, April 2010 and March 2011 due to various reasons.Both male and female nurses , aged between 25-58, were included in the study and nurses who have retired was excluded from the study Results:majority of the nurses left aoad for better opportunities and to pursue higher education in the nursing field. Conclusion:reasons were analysed and appropriate recommendations and retention strategies are discussed in detail at the end of the paper

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Immanuel Paul Vinod. S A Study to Determine the Rate of Attrition of Nurses in a Corporate Hospital International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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