Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

A study to assess the knowledge regarding the hazards of plastic use among adolescent students of selected high school, Belgaum with a view to develop an informational booklet

Mr. Mangesh V. Jabade, Mr. Amey M. Khande

Abstract :

 Statement of the problem:A study to assess the knowledge regarding the hazards of plastic use among adolescent  students of selected high school, Belgaum with a view to develop an informational booklet.Background:India has  witnessed a substantial growth in the consumption of plastics and an increased production of plastic waste. Polyolefin’s account for the major  share of 60% in the total plastics consumption in India.Objectives of the study: 1.To assess the knowledge of adolescent students regarding the  hazards of plastic use. 2. To find out the association between the knowledge score and selected demographic variable. 3. To prepare an informational booklet regarding the hazards of plastic use. Methodology: Descriptive design was adopted for the study. The study was conducted  using purposive sampling technique on a sample of 50 adolescent students. Structured questionnaire were used to collect the data regarding  hazards of plastic use. Conclusion: The study findings were that descriptive study is effective to identify the knowledge regarding hazards of  plastic use among adolescent students. There is no significant association between the knowledge scores with demographic variables.

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Mr. Mangesh V. Jabade, Mr. Amey M. Khande A study to assess the knowledge regarding the hazards of plastic use among adolescent students of selected high school, Belgaum with a view to develop an informational booklet International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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