Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

A Study to Assess The Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme (Stp) Regarding Hypertension And Its Prevention Strategies in Terms of Knowledge and Attitude of Selected Rural Population at Karve Area

Ms. More Ujwala Ramchandra, Prof. Avinash H. Salunkhe.

Abstract :

Aim & Objectives: 1. to improve knowledge of selected rural population regarding prevention of hypertension. To identify risk factors and provide structured teaching program on prevention of hypertension. Material & methods: evaluative study was conducted on 30 hypertensive subjects from Karve rural population by using interview schedule method. Sampling technique used for the study was convenient sampling which is type of non probability sampling. The study was conducted in year 2011 in month of November. Stratified random sampling technique was used. Institutional ethics Committee approval and informed consent from the subjects, Sarpanch, medical officer of PHC of Vadgaon Haveli were taken before the study. First pretest questionnaire given to subject then health education through structured teaching provided pamphlets and after seven days post test given. Results: assessing the knowledge in pretest out of 30 samples no one 0(0%) having good knowledge. 23 (76.66%) having average knowledge. Remaining subjects 7(23.33%) are having poor knowledge regarding prevention of hypertension. conclusion: knowledge and attitude of rural population related to prevention of risk factors of hypertension is poor so there is need to give more information to aware people is necessary.

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Ms. More Ujwala Ramchandra, Prof. Avinash H. Salunkhe. A Study to Assess The Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme (Stp) Regarding Hypertension And Its Prevention Strategies in Terms of Knowledge and Attitude of Selected Rural Population at Karve Area International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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