Volume : VI, Issue : X, October - 2017

A study to assess the effectiveness of educational interventions regarding the awareness and prevention of child abuse in selected primary schools in Pune city.

Ms. Priyanka Anton Kadam, Mr. Mangesh Vilinikaran Jabade

Abstract :

 Statement of the problem: A study to assess the effectiveness of educational interventions regarding the awareness and prevention of child abuse in selected primary schools in Pune city.

Background: Children may not remember what you told them, but they will always remember how you made them feel. Harmful tradition practices like child marriage, caste systems, discrimination against girl child, child labor, devas tradition impact negatively on children, and increase their vulnerability to abuse and neglect. Violence against the children can be physical neglect, exploitation, sexual and emotional abuse, and the social factors let the fact being dumped under the fear of family reputation and other related issue. Objectives of the study:1) To assess  the level of pretest knowledge regarding child abuse and its prevention among children in selected in selected schools in Pune city 2) To determine posttest knowledge among children in selected schools in Pune city 3) to compare the pretest and posttest knowledge regarding child abuse and its prevention among children in selected schools of Pune city 4) To associate the pretest knowledge with selected demographic variable regarding child abuse and its prevention.Methods: An evaluative approach with one group pre–test post–test design was   used for the study. The research method adopted for the study is quasi experimental Conclusion: The planned teaching on child abuse found to be effective in increasing the knowledge of children. The sample had a highly significance gain in knowledge after planned teaching Programme. 

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Ms. Priyanka Anton Kadam, Mr. Mangesh Vilinikaran Jabade, A study to assess the effectiveness of educational interventions regarding the awareness and prevention of child abuse in selected primary schools in Pune city., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-10 | October-2017

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