Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

A study to assess Knowledge and Practice regarding Occupational Health Hazards among Nursing Personnel working in selected government hospital of New Delhi

Mrs. Jisha Sreekumaran, Dr. Mrs Rathi Balachandran

Abstract :

A non–experimental approach was adopted and descriptive survey design was used for the purpose of study. The study was conducted at VardhmanMahavir Medical College andSafdarjung Hospital, New Delhi from 15th – 30th Jan 2017by using convenient sampling. The framework of this study is based on the prevention of occupational hazards among nurses.  Rosenstock‘s Health belief model was found to be suitable for this study. 

The sample size comprised of 70 nursing officers from critical and non–critical care areas. Separate code number was used for each participant. Based on the objectives, a structured knowledge questionnaire and practice questionnaire was developed to assess knowledge and practice of the nursing personnel on occupational health hazards and occupational safety measures. Structured Performa for prevalence of hazards in workplace was developed to collect information regarding the risk they regularly exposed to in their work place. Analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics.

The findings revealed that knowledge and practice scores of nursing personnel in critical care area is more than that of non critical care area but statistically not significant. But co–efficient of correlation between knowledge and practice Scores was significant, indicates that the practices of nursing personnel on occupational safety measures were influenced by their knowledge level.

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Mrs. Jisha Sreekumaran, Dr. (Mrs) Rathi Balachandran, A study to assess Knowledge and Practice regarding Occupational Health Hazards among Nursing Personnel working in selected government hospital of New Delhi, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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