Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2014


Sunder Arumugam

Abstract :

The concept of stress was first introduced in life sciences by Selye Hans in his pioneering work in 1936. This concept is borrowed from natural sciences and is derived from the Latin word ‘Stringere’ which means to draw tight. In psychophysiology, stress refers to some stimulus resulting in a delectable strain that cannot be accommodated by the organism and which ultimately results in impaired health or behaviour. In common parlance, however, the terms Stress and Strain are used synonymously in a non-scientific manner. The popularity of this concept was established in the physiological field where it was first introduced but the use of stress terminology continues to flourish in psychology and social sciences.

The term stress and research on its causes, consequences and management have reached the peak of popularity in modern times. The reactions to intense psychological and behavioural stress have become major concerns of psychological, psychiatric, medical and managerial investigations. So, the author has made a genuine attempt to study the major causes of stress and its effects on a few important aspects of the organization and the family and on the individual worker

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Sunder Arumugam A STUDY ON WORK STRESS International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2014

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