Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

A Study on Utilization of Agro–Wastes as an Innovative Material in Indian Context

Ankit N. Patel, Sanjay Salla, Prof. Jayeshkumar Pitroda

Abstract :

Traditionally materials like clay, sand, stone, gravels, cement, ick, block, tiles, distemper, paint, timber and steel are being used as major building components in construction sector. All these materials have been produced from the existing natural resources and will have intrinsic distinctiveness for damaging the environment due to their continuous exploitation. The cost of construction materials is increasing incrementally. It is essential to find functional substitutes for conventional building materials in the construction industry. In view of the importance of saving of energy and conservation of resources, efficient recycling of all these agro wastes is now a global concern requiring extensive R&D work towards exploring newer applications and maximizing use of existing technologies for a sustainable and environmentally sound management. More details on the availability of agro wastes of all kinds from different sources, their present utilization and recycling potentials for safe, sound and substantial development are summarized and discussed in this paper.

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Ankit N. Patel, Sanjay Salla, Prof. Jayeshkumar Pitroda A Study on Utilization of Agro-Wastes as an Innovative Material in Indian Context International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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