Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

A Study on the Psychological Well Being of the Old Age Parents

M. N. Lukmanul Hakeem, Dr. V. Subathra

Abstract :

According to the White House Conference on Aging, mental illness is the leading threat to independence and quality of life in older adults. The prevalence of mental illness among nursing home residents has consistently been found to be high. Two-thirds of residents were found to have diagnosable mental disorders and one- fourth suffer from depression. However, some individuals appear to be at greater risk for developing depression and/or anxiety in later adulthood. Wilson found that childhood adversity was associated with less adaptive psychosocial functioning in old age. In particular, emotional neglect and parental intimidation during childhood had the highest associations with less adaptive emotional functioning in later life. As individuals age increases, chronic illnesses increase significantly.The researcher has made a humble attempt to study the well being of elderly in puttalam district srilanka.

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M. N. Lukmanul Hakeem,Dr. V. Subathra A Study on the Psychological Well Being of the Old Age Parents International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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