Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

A Study on the Inpact of Tsunami Hit on Agricultural Lands in Nagappatinam District

Dr. T. Semban, M. Mahalakshmi

Abstract :

Farmers in the Neithavasal, Keliyur, Poombukar villages recalled that seawater intrusion and deposition of sediments from the sea have occurred also in the past. They differentiated the incidents, based on seawater intrusion or seawater intrusion with sand or clay deposits. If it is seawater alone, they locally call it as ‘kadal ponguthal’ (turbulent sea water entry). Entry of seawater with deposits of soil into the field is known as ‘kadal puraluthal’ (rolling waves along with sea bed ediments). Seawater with clay deposit is locally called as ‘porrukku’, which is very fertile and used to incorporate in the field while ploughing. In these circumstances, and also when there is an increased salinity, the following remedial measures are adopted by the farmers: in case of wetland, ploughing is carried out twice, followed by leaching with good water, and application of Calotrophis leaf and other green leaf manures. This is left for decomposition, and ploughed in situ. In case of dry lands, application of tank silt (porukkuman) and farmyard manure is the usual practice.

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Dr. T. Semban,M. Mahalakshmi A Study on the Inpact of Tsunami Hit on Agricultural Lands in Nagappatinam District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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