Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

A Study on The Impact of Ecrm in Brand Preference of Wireless Communication With Special Reference to Salem City, Tamilnadu

Dr. M. Sree Sakthivelan

Abstract :

The new technologies have played a crucial role in the human life in duration of two recent decades and have highly changed the lifestyle. Nowadays, Mobile phone is the phenomenon which has overshadowed the human life. E-CRM, which is the latest buzzword in the corporate sector, is perceived as one of the effective tool in Indian Telecommunication sector. Its emphasis is on defining the customers as valuable in the long-term and on viewing customer relationships as a learning relationships. The concept of CRM, when seen in the context of e-business, it translates into e-CRM, which essentially deals with managing customer interactions over the web. The present paper attempts to analyze the concept of e-CRM in Indian Telecommunication sector from its various dimensions covering specifically its need, process, present status and future prospects. Our findings indicate that Service providers are well aware of the benefits and applications of the e-CRM and use the system to maintain good relationships with their customers. Our findings also indicate that with the implementation of e-CRM and the latest technologies.

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Dr. M. SREE SAKTHIVELAN A Study on The Impact of Ecrm in Brand Preference of Wireless Communication With Special Reference to Salem City, Tamilnadu International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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