Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

A Study on Socio–Economic Assessment and Adoption of Scientific Technologies by the Muga Rearers of Assam

Dr. N K Goswami, Mr. P. Nath, Dr. D. Saharia

Abstract :

The muga culture plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the weaker sections of the rural population in terms of employment generation, but it is not getting the momentum of development due to non-availability quality DFLs, high incidence of disease and pests, non-adoption of modern technologies, prevailing adverse climatic condition etc. The reasons for non-adoption of scientific technologies are lack of awareness and preference to traditional method of reå of silkworm. The adoption level of technologies depends on methods of transfer of technologies and hence awareness campaign and specific programs focusing on recent technologies and its practical benefits to the Muga rearers of Assam would be beneficial for adoption of such technologies. This paper attempts to assess the socio-economic condition of the muga rearers and level of adoption of improved technologies.

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Dr. N K Goswami,Mr. P. Nath,Dr. D. Saharia A Study on Socio-Economic Assessment and Adoption of Scientific Technologies by the Muga Rearers of Assam International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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