Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

A Study on Service Quality in Public and Private Hospitals

Dr. B. Arun, Dr. P. S. Venkateswaran

Abstract :

The present study aims to identify the service quality aspects in public and private hospitals. Health care services have a distinct position among other services due to the high risky nature of services and the general lack of expertise possessed by consumers. In order to allocate limited health care resources effectively, it would be essential for health care providers to identify patients’ priorities among the various service quality dimensions and to improve these dimensions for patient satisfaction. However, patients as customers are not homogenous in terms of the expectations they ing to a care provider and their reactions to various service quality dimensions. The health care industry in recent years has restructured its service delivery system in order to survive in an unforgiving environment resulting from maturation of the industry, reduced funding, and increased competition (Emanuel and Dubler, 1995; Taylor, 1994).

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Dr.B.Arun, Dr.P.S.Venkateswaran A Study on Service Quality in Public and Private Hospitals International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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