Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

A study on prescribing patterns of antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infections by general practitioners in rural areas of Assam.

Dr Sanjib Gogoi, Dr Pran Pratim Saikia

Abstract :

 Aim: To understand the prescribing pattern of antibiotics as well other drugs in the treatment of Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) by the general practitioners. Materials and method: This was an observational study  conducted in community level i.e. in the rural areas around Guwahati city of Assam for a period of two months. A total of 50 prescriptions  fulfilling the inclusion criteria were included. Results: Total number of drugs prescribed was 346; average number of drugs per prescription  was 6.92. Total number of antibiotics prescribed was 50(100%). The most common URTI was acute nasopharyngitis (36%) followed by acute  sinusitis (20%).The most commonly prescribed antibiotic was amoxicillin+ clavulanic acid (36%). All (100%) the drugs were prescribed by  and names. The average cost per prescription was Rs. 150.Conclusion: The present study shows high rate of antibiotic prescription in URTI  which can be considered quite inappropriate as well as this signifies overuse of antibiotics.

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Dr Sanjib Gogoi, Dr Pran Pratim Saikia A study on prescribing patterns of antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infections by general practitioners in rural areas of Assam. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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