Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

A Study on Organisational Climate in the BPO Concern

Ms. R. Devi, Dr. D. Venkatarama Raju

Abstract :

Organizational climate (sometimes known as Corporate Climate) is the process of quantifying the “culture” of an organization, it precedes the notion of organizational culture. It is a set of properties of the work environment, perceived directly or indirectly by the employees, that is assumed to be a major force in influencing employee behavior. The present study was undertaken with an aim of understanding the organizational climate prevailing in the BPO concern and identifies the expectation of the employees.

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Ms. R.Devi, Dr.D.Venkatarama Raju A Study on Organisational Climate in the BPO Concern International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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