Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2014

A Study on Omphalitis in Newly Born Chicks

Shringi A. , Mandovera V. , Pachoury R. , Godara A.

Abstract :

This investigation was done in a poultry farm with capacity of 10000 birds to identify the causative organism of death in newly born chicks. In this study 30 percent mortality was found in newly born chicks. Main cause of deaths was yolk sac infection, called as Omphalitis. Samples were taken and bacterial isolation was done from yolk samples the main bacterial growth found was E. coli a colliform. Colliform bacteria are not generally pathological, but in these cases bacteria became virulent because of many predisposing factors at farm viz: optimal temperature, immuno-suppression of birds and high humidity. As per studies sanitation, cleaning and hygienic condition of incubators play an important role in survival of chicks.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Shringi A., Mandovera V., Pachoury R., Godara A. A Study on Omphalitis in Newly Born Chicks International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2014

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