Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

A Study on Job Satisfaction as a Mediating Factor between Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment with Special Reference to Women Faculties of Engineering Colleges.

R. Kalpana, Dr. Shibu. N. S

Abstract :

Perceived organizational support (POS) is an employee belief that the organization cares for and values his or her contribution to the success of the organization. Perceived Organizational Support (POS) refers to employees‘perception concerning the extent to which the organization values their contribution and cares about their well being. POS has been found to have important consequences on employee performance and well-being. The present study reveals that the job satisfaction as a mediating factor between organisational support and organisational commitment with special reference to women faculties of engineering colleges. The universe of the study comprises 852 women faculties working in 15 engineering colleges in Trichy region of Anna university. Out of the universe a sample unit of 213 women faculties taken up for the study the sample unit is chosen on Stratified Proportionate sampling method. Primary data collected from respondents by administering a structured questionnaire dealing with various aspects of workplace sequences. This study was carried out through a survey method using questionnaires as the main instrument. In this study, the researchers find the relationship between job satisfaction, organisational commitment and organisational support.

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R. Kalpana, Dr. Shibu.N.S A Study on Job Satisfaction as a Mediating Factor between Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment with Special Reference to Women Faculties of Engineering Colleges. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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