Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

A Study on Job Hopping in The Bpo Sectors with Reference to Coimbatore City

Ms. T. Subha

Abstract :

The global outsourcing business has done wonders for the Indian economy, generated huge employment & boosted the spending power of youngsters.This sunrise industry is facing HR challenges in terms of finding skilled talents & curbing the job hopping. Job hopping is most prevalent in this industry due to the rapid growth. Three jobs in less than a year, no longer raise eyeows and gaps mouths. Still there are reasons for job hopping such as odd working hours, lack of career growth, poor working conditions & of course more money. Employees poaching between call centres’ are another area of concern, as it is nothing less than cannibalism. Curbing job hopping is one of the prime challenges faced by BPO industry, which requires focused strategy in. However, as long as BPO industry keeps growing rapidly & jobs are available in ample, youngsters will keep hopping jobs at the drop of the hat.

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Ms.T.SUBHA A Study on Job Hopping in The Bpo Sectors with Reference to Coimbatore City International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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