Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

A Study on Investment Patterns and Awareness of Salaried Class Investors

Manjunath. S. Awalakki

Abstract :

Investment is a desire to earn expected return from his investments, this investments is portion of the savings from the salary. This investment is made with the expectation of earning good returns from their investments. These investments were made for livelihood after their retirements. As per the recent survey results salaried employees investments were not increased as compared with the business persons. Unfortunately, it is true that employees think investments only at the time of retirements. Few years back there were only limited numbers of options available for investments, but in the present scenario the investments options are increased and awareness of investments also increased. With this back ground the researcher intended to study the investment patterns and their awareness regarding the salaried employee’s investments of Kalaburagi s, State; Karnataka. The respondent of research study consist only those people who earning fixed Income as salary so thestudy included only salaried group of people.

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Manjunath. S. Awalakki A Study on Investment Patterns and Awareness of Salaried Class Investors International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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