Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

A study on Intussusceptions in Children in JLNMCH, Bhagalpur

Dr. Sohail Anjum, Dr. Apurva Kumar Rajan

Abstract :

 Aim and Objectives: Intussusceptions are the commonest cause of surgical emergency in children. In children especially in infancy and early childhood intussusception is a common cause of bowel obstruction. In this study, we have find out the pattern of clinical presentations in children and outcomes of intussusception management in our hospital. Materials & Methods: In this study, 50 cases of Intussusceptions were taken with age group between 0–15 years. Study was done in surgery department of JLNMCH, Bhagalpur, Bihar from January 2016 to December 2016.  All cases were registered fulfilled the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria. clinical manifestations including history of previous rotavirus vaccination, duration of illness prior to presentation, diarrhoea, vomiting, passage of red currant jelly– like stool, abdominal mass and distension, method of diagnosis, treatment option(s) employed and their outcomes. Results were analysed statistically. Results: It was shown in this study that the commonest age group involved was less than 5 years. Male to female ration was 1:1.6. None of the cases had received rotavirus vaccinations. The common clinical presentations were abdominal pain, passage of red currant stool. Diagnosis was done by ultrasonography; surgery (laparotomy) was the treatment of choice in most cases 45 cases. The case fatality rate was 11. Post operative hospital stay was 10 days on average. Surgical site infection was the commonest complication. Conclusions:  Intussusceptions is the commonest abdominal condition in children admitted in emergency department. Intussusception cases usually reported late, therefore, operative procedure was the main treatment modality in the present hospital setup.

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Dr. Sohail Anjum, Dr. Apurva kumar Rajan, A study on Intussusceptions in Children in JLNMCH, Bhagalpur, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-7 | JULY-2017

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