Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

A Study on in–Patient And Out–Patient Referrals Including Emergencies in General Hospital of A Tertiary Care Hospital Psychiatric Unit

R. Somasundara Babu, Dr. G. Radhika

Abstract :

A general practice survey found that only one in every few patients considered suitable for referral was in fact referred to a psychiatrist. Then what is the position in general hospital? Which patients are seen by psychiatrist? These questions are answered by number of studies of both inpatient and outpatient psychiatric referrals in general hospital. AIMS: This study is mainly a descriptive study to understand how a psychiatric unit in a general hospital functions in liaison work. METHODS: The study was carried out in ASRAMS Hospital, Psychiatric Unit. In-patient and out -patient referrals including emergencies were studied. RESULTS: — Out of total 795 Psychiatric out patients 221 were referral cases over in a 6 month period. Diagnosis was attempted at the time of referral in 126 cases i.e. 55.5% of cases. Out of them 53.2% of diagnoses coincided with the diagnosis made according to ICD-10 in psychiatric unit during referral. — No diagnosis was made in 45.5% of cases. — The diagnosis was wrong in 46.8% of cases which comes to 21.1% of total referrals. CONCLUSION: — Because of the poor practical and theoretical knowledge of other physicians in psychiatry in this study it was found out that no liaison work is possible. This calls for toning up of undergrade medical training in psychiatry.

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R.SOMASUNDARA BABU, DR.G.RADHIKA A Study on in-Patient And Out-Patient Referrals Including Emergencies in General Hospital of A Tertiary Care Hospital Psychiatric Unit International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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