Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

A Study on Employee Stress Management with Reference to Rane Madras, Chennai

P. Vidya, S. Deepa

Abstract :

Stress is an all pervading modern phenomenon that takes a heavy toll of human life. Different situations and

circumstances in our personal life and in our job produce stress. Job related factors are work overload, time pressures, poor quality of supervision, insecure political climate, role conflict and ambiguity, difference between company values and employee
values. The stress is so widespread; it has a very high cost for individuals, companies and organizations, and for society. For the company or
organization, the costs of stress take many forms. These include absenteeism, higher medical costs and staff turnover, with the associated cost
of recruiting and training new workers. It has also been shown in recent years that stress takes a heavy toll in terms of reduced productivity
and efficiency

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P.VIDYA, S.DEEPA A Study on Employee Stress Management with Reference to Rane Madras, Chennai International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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