Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

A Study on Efficacy of CLOZAPINE in Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia.

Dr. Aamani M, Dr. Kalyan Kandra, Dr. R. Somasundara Babu

Abstract :

 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : To study the efficacy of CLOZAPINE in Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia.To evaluate the association of schizophrenia with socio demographic characteristics and adverse effects during the course of treatment with Clozapine. MATERIAL & METHODOLOGY : A short term, cross sectional, prospective & non comparative study was conducted among inpatients from Department of Psychiatry in Alluri Sita Rama Raju Academy of Medical Sciences, Eluru for a duration of 8 weeks. RESULTS : • The mean positive symptom score showed a gradual improvement from 17 to 7 by the end of 8weeks which was found to be statistically significant (t=18.698, p<0.01). • The mean negative symptom score showed a gradual improvement from 24 to 10 by the end of 8 weeks which was found to be statistically significant (t=18.880, p<0.01). • The mean general psychopathology score showed a gradual improvement from 23 to 9 by the end of 8 weeks which was found to be statistically significant (t=25.225, p<0.01). Common mild adverse effects were encountered but none of the patients treated with Clozapine developed Extra pyramidal symptoms, Agranulocytosis , Seizures & Myocarditis CONCLUSION : Our study concluded that Clozapine is beneficial, relatively well tolerated and the ideal drug for Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia. However, attention should be paid to patients’ adverse events and precautions against Agranulocytosis should be taken.

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Dr. Aamani M, Dr. Kalyan Kandra, Dr. R. Somasundara Babu A Study on Efficacy of CLOZAPINE in Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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