Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016


Subashini K, Prof. Dr. S. Duraisamy

Abstract :

 Educational loan is now a days is attainment more reputation among the students those who want to pursue for higher education. In which Tamil Nadu is playing main role by providing the Educational loan through various banks and helping the worthy students. Education is the key, which allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs and ultimately succeed in their life. In India getting education has been a big problem since long time. A small alternative in the privileged class get access to illiant education amenities whereas the poor virtually get no education at all. One main reason for insufficient access to education in India is the high cost of education and lack of access to funding higher education. This paper focuses on Educational loan in Tamilnadu. Although Educational loan is practiced in most of the leading states of India, it is popular in Tamilnadu.

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SUBASHINI K, Prof. Dr. S. DURAISAMY A STUDY ON EDUCATIONAL LOAN IN TAMILNADU International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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