Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

A Study on Consumer Awareness on Consumer Protection Council–A Special Reference to Coimbatore District

Dr. P. Gurusamy, P. Manochithra, J. Princy

Abstract :

The Consumer Protection Council is the apex consumer protection agency of the Federal Government of India established to promote and protect consumers’ interests. Its core activities are: to inform consumers; to eliminate hazardous products from the market and ensure that products and services comply with required standards and to receive, mediate and provide redress to consumer complaints. According to the CPC, it would achieve success ‘when consumers can be described as well protected, getting their money’s worth, knowledgeable about the market place and its mechanisms, vigilant about what takes place in it, assertive about their rights and conscious of their responsibilities’. The study is focus on analyzing the level of awareness and the extent of utilization of Consumer Protection Council.

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Dr.P.Gurusamy, P.Manochithra, J.Princy A Study on Consumer Awareness on Consumer Protection Council – A Special Reference to Coimbatore District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 7 July 2014

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